Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boy Racers - response to Local Resident

I’ve received a long letter about boy racers, particularly in Ira St, Miramar. It’s a bit hard to respond to direct because the signature is just Local Resident, so I hope that the writer is reading this blog.

The letter suggests that a good way of tackling this problem is to slow traffic down, such as by putting trees and islands along the middle of wide streets.

Local Resident, I agree with you. Breaking up the width of wide streets with planting gives streets a much more human scale, encouraging slower traffic and making them easier to cross. Trees like in Broadway, or along Jervois Quay, are a great improvement: even just white paint, as along Miramar Avenue, Rongotai Rd or Park Rd, can make a significant difference.

So yes, I will be working towards making our streets more for people, less for racers.

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